Poem for thought – “Marriage Blues”

Hey guys… It’s been soooooo long hasn’t it? Hope everyone is doing okay despite the crazy situation brought upon by Covid-19. 🙂

I know I’m supposed to update this blog often, but honestly speaking, sometimes I can’t find the inspiration to do so. Some days, I just want to relax and watch and read and do whatever makes my heart happy – I’m sure most of you would relate. Or else, why would you be here reading right? 😀

Anyways, nowadays, I’ve picked up on a medium where I can discover and pour out my “wise” side – poems. I don’t follow any rules or whatsoever, so it’s more of a freestyle thing. But I like it because I can clearly write and describe what I feel in just a few words.

So if you do end up reading this poem, tell me what you think and let’s discuss it! I’ll be more than happy to talk to you about it! 😀



Marriage Blues

Marriage is like a popularity contest


Those with “married” status are seen as upper class

Hence, people rush into marriage so they don’t get left behind


Those that aren’t “married” are seen as lowly

Like there’s a bomb ticking on top of their heads


But is marriage really all the rage?

Is it worth it?


Maybe it’s better to take your time

Think carefully

Slow down




People might say you can divorce if it’s a mistake

But will it really restart everything?


You can’t empty a slate if something’s been written on it before

The cleanest it can get is grey or cream

Not white


So take your time

Don’t change your status because of others or your age


It’s not worth it


Think twice.


3 thoughts on “Poem for thought – “Marriage Blues”

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  1. Think more than twice
    Get your thoughts clear
    And when it’s all clear in your heart and your mind then go to live with someone

    Marriage is union of two minds, bodies, idealogies, thought process and not just two people. It also involves families.

    There are few major decisions in life that one needs to take which can change the course of life, it’s better to choose with intent and self clarity and not just do for the sake of doing it because someone else or everyone one around you is doing it

    My thoughts on similar lines



    1. I agree. In my country, people marry quite young, some even as young as 22/23, because they think it’s best to marry young (and I must admit, I was one of them who thought that way).

      However, as I become older, I started to question this. What have you really done/understood by that age? Honestly, not much. You haven’t found out who you truly are, what you like, etc.

      And honestly, marriage isn’t all wonderful. Sure it’s awesome if you meet the right person, but even after meeting that special one, you’ll face problems & hurdles in your marriage. So unless you’re mature enough to be able to face it levelheadedly, I think it’s best to not rush into marriage. Because marriage is just the start of the journey a couple is on.


      1. Each for his/her own kind.
        We all are slightly different yet the same.
        Marriage could be wonderful, may not be.

        You are only ready when you think you are.
        It all starts inside.

        Liked by 1 person

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